Talkeetna Recycling Works Committee
Recycling Containers at the Talkeetna Transfer Site will be open:
Tuesday: Noon - 4pm (no cardboard)
Saturday: Noon - 4pm (cardboard open)
Please check the Facebook page (Talkeetna Recycling Works) during the winter when the temperature is close to zero or if it is very windy to see if recycling is open
Chair, Volunteer coordinator: Cici Schoenberger,
Anita Golton
Elwood Lynn
Margareth Twigg
Lori Moerbitz
Holly Weigle
Jody Fitzgerald
Kylie Bradley
Tam Boeve, ED VCRS (ex-officio)
Items currently accepted at Talkeetna Transfer Station:
#1 Plastic
Has #1 PETE in the recycling triangle on the bottom
Includes water bottles and other similar bottles
Must have a neck; even if it is wide; Caps need to be removed
Usually has a dimple on the bottom
NO CLAMSHELL CONTAINERS (like strawberries and other things come in)
Should be rinsed if it had liquid other than water in it
#2 Plastic
Has #2 HDPE in the recycling triangle on the bottom
Includes laundry detergent , milk bottles, some medicine bottles and other things
Must have a neck; even if it is wide
Caps need to be removed; spouts that are difficult to remove are OK
Usually has a seam on the bottom
Need to be rinsed if have residue
#5 Plastic
Has a #5 PP in the triangle on the bottom
Usually yogurt cups, cottage cheese type containers
Lids are OK if they have a triangle with #5PP
Does not need to have a neck
Can’t be larger than 2 gallons
Need to be rinsed if have residue
Aluminum Cans
Rinsed if sticky
Crushed at least once is helpful but not necessary
No tinfoil or other kind of foil items
Aluminum drinking cups are acceptable
Steel (Tin) Cans
Need to be able to have a magnet stick to it
Should be rinsed; no food residue in the cans
Does not need to be crushed or have labels removed
Jar lids are acceptable—even with a bit of rubber on it
Kitchen Aluminum
Includes lightweight cans like those for cat food
Aluminum plates and baking dishes—clean
Aluminum foil
Needs to be bagged separately and thrown in the steel can bin
Mixed paper
NO CORRUGATED CARDBOARD (creamer boxes included in this)
Only clean paper—no dirty cups, plates, etc.
Helpful to bag newspaper separately in a plastic or paper bag
Shredded paper and “rippies” can be recycled but MUST be in a tied plastic bag
No metallic type paper like foil gift wrapping or inserts in some envelopes
Office Paper
Printer, copier, and notebook paper (staples are OK)
Junk mail, including envelopes with cellophane windows
File folders
NO neon/astrobright paper, NO metal notebook bindings, NO magazines, etc.
(Neon paper and magazines, etc can go in mixed paper)
Stretchy plastic
Stretchy plastic can be recycled if it is bagged together in a recyclable bag.
Stretchy plastic includes shopping bags and other plastic wrap that you can easily poke
your finger through.
Corrugated Cardboard
Must be flattened
No staples
No waxy surfaces
No excess tape
Miscellaneous Plastic
Plastic clamshells, plastic straws, clean drink cups, non-#5 plastic containers
All-plastic dog and cat food bags, non-stretchy plastic bags
Lids and caps from #1, #2, #5 and other containers
Plastic flower pots and packs from plant starts
NO bulky items like plastic furniture
This is a volunteer run organization.
Please contact Cici at 907-355-8324 to volunteer or if you have questions.
Recycling in Talkeetna is possible because of a collaborative effort between the Mat-Su Borough Landfill Division, Valley Community for Recycling Solutions, and Talkeetna Community Council.
We are grateful for grants from Rasmuson Foundation, Mat-Su Health Foundation, MEA Round-up, Zero Landfill Initiative/Subaru, The Talkeetna Community Council CAP and ongoing donations from recyclers.
Talkeetna Recycling Works
a commitee of the Talkeetna Community Council, Inc.
We need volunteers!!
Even just two hours a month. Contact Cici @ 907-355-8324
Talkeetna Recycling Works Objective: Create an efficient and long lasting recycling program for Talkeetna.